Saturday, September 1, 2012

I'm still alive!

Hello All!

I must start first by apologizing for my tardiness in updating my blog.  The past few weeks have been insanely busy and filled with totally story worthy moments that I have neglected to share because I've been so busy living them and preparing for this week, the week that these past months have been all leading up to...the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!!  Wow what a whirlwind!  I don't know how on earth I can begin to share enough without being a long winded bore (still possible) or writing until my fingers fall off (and I could really use those working on lesson plans this afternoon!).  So I'll settle for telling you as much as I can in...hmmm what's a fair length of time.  Fifteen minutes you say?  Good agreed.  Clock starting....NOW!

Okay so before school began I spent the week prior in All Staff orientation and in preparing my classroom.  During this time several of us elementary teachers were something of a running joke because we were staying every evening until 10 or 11 at night.  But all of you reading this who ARE elementary teachers must surely agree that while a behavior flip card chart certainly LOOKS simple...the silly thing took probably three hours and 15 copy jams to work out so while your room looks sensible in the end it took you an absurd amount of time.  Side note: Thank you to my amazing principle Amanda Howard for leaving the 5th grade classroom (she taught last year) amazingly well organized so that I walked in to a great room!  So anyways here's the end product before it was invaded by children:

It took me three tries to hang this silly alphabet.  It was ridiculous!

So that's my classroom!  Note that I have window cling plants instead of real ones because I am a certifiable plant killer.  It's sad but true.  Also for those of you looking at this and going..."my WORD she has a huge classroom!"'re right!  I do!  I have the biggest classroom in the school and my windows open out so it's the coolest room as well.  I've tried to enjoy my room with Christ-like humility as I enter smaller and warmer rooms but I may or may not casually drop into conversation the fact that I could fit two regular rooms in mine ;-).

When school began my room was invaded by 15 of the best kids in existence who I have immedietly fallen in love with!  They're from nine different countries, one of which I actually had to look up on a map because I had no idea that it even existed.  Seriously people I'm pretty sure that countries have been sneaking onto the map while I wasn't looking because I'm usually very good with geography!  Some of my students are fluent in english (4 are American children of missionaries) but conversely there are 2 that are just learning English.  I've learned that I have to speak slowly and clearly (ha!) and use lots of examples and illustrations.

Sharing the gospel is an amazing privilege as well!   Some of my students are from countries that don't allow the gospel to be preached openly and at least one is Muslim.  It's already creating really amazing conversation openers.  I so appreciate all of your prayers that the Holy Spirit would guide me and create openings into their hearts!

Here's a pic of the entire elementary school on our first day assembly:

8 Minutes left and so much more to say!

In our personal life there has been much amusement as well...sooo since time is running low here's a highlights version:

*  Sarah and I (my roomate) spent an entire saturday morning people watching from our window onto the courtyard.  We discovered that we may or may not be Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window and that Bathsheba lives in Vienna now.

*  Our house meister came to our door one evening at 10pm and knocked on the door until we opened then walked right in and started taking apart our bathtub and demanding tools.  He spoke no English.  I was ridiculously confused.  I resolved to learn German immedietly.

*  We had to move out of our apartment.  New one isn't ready yet.  Currently crashing at other people's places!

*  When we moved it was like an evacuation drill.  I have no idea where anything is that I own.  Sarah made sure that the plants survived.  I was unaware that I own so many things.  The aardvark made it okay.  

*  Have met amazing people and am making friends for life.  So grateful for the people that God has placed in my life and so excited to see our relationships bloom and grow!

Two minutes!  Time to wrap up!  I can't wait to share more about my mistakes, triumphs, lessons, and growth in the classroom.  Your prayers mean the world to me and I'm so excited to follow you all as well!  I'm so blessed to be here doing what God has called me to do and can't wait to follow him farther. 

 I feel like Lucy stepping through the wardrobe...when I was little I opened every closet door to try to escape to my own magic world but didn't know until now that my Narnia is here in Vienna and the magic I was looking for was God's call in my life!  

Love you!

Until next time (drat 1 minute late...)


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