Wednesday, June 6, 2012


In just 8 1/2 short weeks I will be leaving to fulfill the call that God has been preparing me for my whole the mission field, people, and ministry that I have felt so enormously burdened by and passionate for.  I have been in prayer about this for the past 6 months and have had so many prophetic and encouraging words spoken into me since I first felt this it's becoming a reality and it's both terrifying and exciting beyond what mere words can express!  

However I am now entering the most terrifying part of this process.  The part that I know God is using to grow and prepare me to depend on him...but which in my human estimation is completely insurmountable.  I feel like Frodo in the Lord of the Rings and I've just been given this huge and important job to do...and I know that I will fulfill it because it's my calling...but it seems pretty insurmountable through human perception.  In faith I have left ODCS, purchased my plane ticket, accepted a job, and begun to pack up my life to move to Vienna. And yet, the move itself is entirely dependent on the support that the body of Christ provides for me.  

This call has been confirmed every step of the way both in my own heart and through the prophetic words, prayer, and encouragement that others have already been pouring into me...and the initial cost of getting to Vienna - between my own savings and what has already been donated - is on track (by my human estimation) to be almost a non-issue.  

However, the monthly pledges of support that will enable me to live overseas are still over 90% away from what they need to be in order for me to sustain my ministry.  In my human estimation this is so terrifying - but I know God will provide.  In many ways I don't know what the next step should be.  Would you pray for me and my ministry?  Pray that God encourages me and confirms what I already know - that this is his work and he will provide the way.  Also pray that those churches and individuals whom God is preparing would be enabled to pledge to support this ministry.  If you are able and feel led towards partnering with me on a monthly or quarterly basis you can go to RCE International's webpage or print out a donation card from the documents tab.  I would love to answer any questions.  

Also, if any of you followers have any Sunday School groups, churches, or other ministries that would be interested in learning more about my ministry and my heart for Vienna please contact me at and I would be excited to share!  If  you and your family would like to know more and would like to meet for ice cream or a phone chat that's also something that I'm excited to do! 

I know that this is the huge step where I MUST turn everything over to God so that he can miraculously provide and grow me spiritually through this process...but knowing it and actually having peace about it are two different things.  I've got one God willing...I'll get the second!

In Christ,


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