Thursday, June 21, 2012

To GOD be the Glory

Psalms 19
  The heavens declare the glory of God; 
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
 Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge. 
 They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.

Philmont in New Mexico
This week I had the opportunity to travel with my awesome dad as he took a contingent of 97 boy scouts to trek through the mountains of New Mexico.  We left early on Saturday Morning (understand by early I mean 2am) to meet the scouts at the Sandusky Amtrack station and traveled 30 hours on the train across the country to drop the boys off at Philmont – the 137,000 acre boy scout camp that has sent boys and girls off on adventures for over 50 years. 

After dropping the scouts off and spending the night at Philmont dad and I got to take a few days to travel through New Mexico and Colorado – visiting his cousins and enjoying some father daughter time.  It was an amazing few days and being out west reminded me of a few things as I quickly approach the departure date for Vienna….

As the Rocky Mountains first appeared out of the distance and we spent the next several days driving through them you can’t help but think to yourself in Matthew 17:20 that Jesus promised that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.  Some of these mountains are upwards of 14,000 feet…they were carved by the hand of a creator that has himself promised me that he will be faithful to me.  Support raising continues to be a wait on a miracle.  My humanity makes me worry so much that the finances will come through – but God’s creation speaks otherwise.

The Garden of the Gods
I am convinced that the Garden of the Gods in Colorado is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  The towering red rocks are eroded and shaped so beautifully against the frame of the mountains that just looking at them reminds me that God has not just a plan – but a beautiful plan.  He didn’t just create a functional world he created a beautiful one, and he has promised that his plans for me are just as well thought out and beautiful (Jerimiah 29:11).  Why worry about how God will come through when he has already promised that his plan and calling for me is shaped out?  I can be confident.

The Garden of the Gods reminds me of Job 38 :-)
Photo: Enjoying a milkshake at Whit's End in Colorado.  My inner ten year old is feeling out!  If you understand the awesomness you are officially cool ;-)
My Milkshake at Whit's End
What important and timely reminders!  I am sad to leave the west but was so happy to spend the time with my dad (and eat good food, visit a cheesy Mexican restaurant with a 500lb gorilla, and have a milkshake at WHIT’S END!).  Now it’s time for the next stage!

On  Sunday I will be leaving for 2 weeks of orientation and training before my missions work in Vienna begins.  I still need 90% of my monthly support by the end of July.  The God that shaped the heavens and the earth also planned out my entire life and the call that he has on me.  Having just been reminded of the beauty and scope of his creation I know that he has this well in hand – but I do still need support – especially monthly.  If this is something you feel called to do please contact me for more information.  

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