Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5th Grade Missions Project

Tasty treats from around the world!
This week in class the 5th grade students began to work on one of my favorite projects of the year, and one which takes on a special meaning as I begin this next phase in my ministry...our Missionary project!  The students are researching the work that missionaries are doing in the real world in order to discover the needs and projects that are happening right now.  I always end up learning something and the fact that it ends with a "World Feast" where students bring in recipes from all over the world (and we make a special recipe book with prayer needs for each country and missionary we studied) really helps to make it memorable.

Now that I'm in the process of transitioning into full time ministry overseas, however, the whole process takes on new meaning!  As I direct students to missions blogs and help them to find organizations that are coordinating missions all over the world I find myself reflecting on how God led me to begin this journey.  And as the students begin to learn the real needs all over the world I feel so privileged to be a small part of that work.  More than anything, however, when I see the stories of missionaries that have been in the field for years...some of them for decades...I'm so struck by the faith of these awesome people - and also by the amazing faith and commitment of the people that sacrificed to support them for so long.

You know sometimes I pity Noah's neighbor
I 'm learning more and more just how difficult it can be to walk in complete faith - following God no matter how crazy the directions, and trusting him to provide the means and the way.  God has asked his followers to do some crazy things in his day (ever read Ezekiel 4?) but...he always seems to have provided a way hasn't he?  It's so easy to read but, like most things, a much bigger challenge to walk. I'll confess...in this stage of my journey it's hard to feel essentially powerless while God works to assemble those people who will be partnering with me in prayer and financial support so that my ministry can begin.  But I also know this training in faith is a big part of my individual path because, let's face it, I'm a bit of a control freak.  So me now, casting out my nets and talking to friends and family as this process begins is a struggle...but I know that God's working all things together for the good...so I'm going to keep learning so that my heart can keep growing so that I will be fully prepared for the work that God has called me to.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and the financial support that is already coming in.  I appreciate all of you!  And I'll be sure to post lots of pictures of our missions project so you can be fully envious of our food (and learning of course!).


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